Sunday, December 11, 2011

Field Trial Magazine Is In Need of Help

Four times a year for the last 15 years Field Trial Magazine has been sent out to a very supportive readership.   Many people have contributed to the success of the magazine with letters, articles, advertisements, and subscriptions and I want to thank all of you.  I have done everything I can to keep the magazine going through changing media conditions and tough economic times.  Ironically in the last issue we saw a first real up-tick in ad revenue since the recession began in 2008.  However, like many other companies and even countries, I have reached a point where I cannot go on without help.  So, at this point I am hoping to find a way forward for the magazine with or without me.  What we have to offer is an established brand with a loyal following that led by the right person or group of people could continue to provide an entertaining and informative magazine as well as take advantage of other opportunities that new technologies provide.  I am open to all inquiries from anyone who has an interest in seeing Field Trial Magazine continue.  We already have most of the editorial content ready for the next issue as well as commitments from our major advertisers.  Please email me or call if you would like to talk further about continuing the independent voice we have created for the field trial community.

Call: 800-615-8392
Craig Doherty, Editor
Field Trial Magazine

PS. One way you can all help is to feel free to forward this to others and/or post it on any message boards, websites, or blogs where you think other field trialers might see it.